Planning for the New Year

I wanted to title this post "New Year, New Me" because my husband gets so annoyed when I say this.  Obviously I just say it as a joke to press his buttons, but he'll still get a good laugh out of this first part of the post.

After the past few years, it's kind of difficult to set goals, because we found out that we ultimately don't have control over what this world throws at us.  A newer trend that I've found is setting one word resolutions.  So instead of setting ourselves up for failure by setting a bunch of super specific goals, I think it's a better idea for me personally to set a one word resolution.  While I can't always control what happens to me, I can control how I react to it.  With that being said, my word of the year is present/presence.  I want to be more focused on what's happening in the now and be present for those moments, not distracted by things outside of my control.  In the more specific goals I choose to set, I want my "word of the year" to guide those goals and be the focus of them throughout the year. 

For now though, I'm setting goals focused on individual projects.  To organize my thoughts, I use Project Planners.  Below I have some tips for filling out your Project Planners:

  1. Start small.  Don't plan projects that take more than a month to complete. 
  2. Use the "Project Overview" portion to decide whether this project aligns with your time, financial, and/or educational goals.
  3. Take inventory of what you have.  Make a shopping list for the remaining materials you'll need and stick to the list.
  4. Be specific in the "Steps" portion.  Set a realistic deadline and stick to it.
  5. This year, I'm using the "Notes" section to relate my project back to my "word of the year."
  6. Once you've completed your project, save your Project Planner and use it as a reference if you decide to make that project again.

I'm hoping this post helps inspire you with different ways you can use your own Project Planners to help you with your goals in the new year.

Happy Sewing,

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