Big Changes Ahead...

Hello Friends!

These past few weeks have been a whirlwind to say the least.  Rewind to a few months ago, my husband and I decided not to renew our apartment lease in Charleston with the hopes of moving a bit closer to our home in Iowa.  We never really planned to stay in South Carolina more than a couple years, but those two years came up on us a lot quicker than we expected.  It was not an easy decision, as we had become very involved with the city and made some quality friendships in our short time there.  With lots of prayer and conversation with one another, we decided it was in our best interest to give Texas a shot.  We set out on the adventure of trying to find a job during the global pandemic (definitely would not recommend), but with God watching over us, we somehow managed to do it.  I accepted a position as a tech design coordinator at a cheerleading company in the DFW area with the hopes of gaining more experience in the fashion industry.  I received the offer almost exactly 3 weeks ago and today we are finally moved into our new apartment here in Dallas.

While you might be wondering what this means for Tailored Trends, don't you worry.  I'm going to continue keeping up with my patterns, sewing advice and still release new content.  The Clothing Shop might see less products in the future, but it's my patterns that I'm most passionate about.

If anyone has questions, feel free to reach out at, leave a message on my Contact Page, comment below, or find me on Instagram.


  • Thank you, Becky and Kathy! We’re excited to be closer to home!

  • So glad you’re closer to home! Your mamas are happy too, no doubt! Congratulations!

  • Congratulations! God bless you and keep you in your new endeavors :)


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